ALL Specially selected Poll Dorset & Southdown Feature Rams are
Genomic 50K DNA tested & Sire Verified for your confidence. These rams and the Southdown ewes are eligible for full stud registration and transfers. |
2023 Annual Sale
Poll Dorset & Southdown Studs
Welcome to the Shellal Website. We trust you find it useful, helpful and informative to help you in your sheep enterprise. We are one of only a few studs that have been breeding Poll Dorsets consistently and successfully for 56 years. We added the Southdown stud in 2014 to ensure our clients have a good choice of rams. The Shellal Team have genetic and breeding experience along with stud stock knowledge, sheep and stud management skills and show ring success. We are focused on today's market trends to be able to assist you with your next stud, flock ram or ewe investment.
Congratulations to all our clients on achieving great results over the 2020-2021 Lamb Selling Season
"We Use and Recommend Shearwell Australia Products"