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Flock RamsWe aim to breed functional, structurally correct, well muscled rams, that can provide our clients with fast maturing lambs to suit any market requirement.
Our flock rams are bred using the same method as all our other stud stock including our breeding ewes, show ewes and stud rams. We don't have a commercial enterprise and our clients get the top and the pick of all our flock rams as we don't need to retain any for our own use. We do however follow the prime market trends closely and monitor our own client feedback with enthusiasm to maintain a high standard of ram we are producing here at Shellal. This has proved fruitful to connect with new clients who were not happy elsewhere. WHY CHOOSE SHELLAL GENETICS? 1. Australian sires and bloodlines - bred for our environment and supporting the Australian Sheep and Lamb Industry 2. Rams are well bred from registered stud sires and stud dams - full pedigrees & quality data collectionby independent qualified scanner. 3. Balanced ASBV's 4. Eligible to Trade to all Australian States - full health accreditations - MN3Vacc -Brucellosis Accredited 5. Rams are all structurally sound and correct, with clean faces and have good meaty hindquarter muscle placement = Positive PEMD and high Lean Meat Yield (LMY = % of hot standard carcase weight, where all bone and salvage fat is removed) 6. Rams have smooth shoulders for easy lambing - yes even over maidens - it is the bone structure of the animal and the sire & dam as well as environment not the size of the animal that dictates lambing ease. 7. Rams have good structure and carcase body shape for optimal LMY. 8. Rams have tight skins - in a good year a skin can add $$$ to your lamb assignment ($5 to $11 over minimum $2500 for 500 lambs) and in times where lamb prices are not as good as other years this may help! 9. No fashionable sale 'Gimmicks' are needed to sell our rams - they are just good honest rams - we don't pull the wool over your eyes - what you see is what you get and that is why we have so many happy repeat buyers! 10. Client Feedback is positive with lambs regularly topping the markets - client satisfaction is Number 1 11. Processors feedback - Love Shellal Lambs for their quality red meat yield (LMY%) The stud is virtually a closed flock, with only new genetics being introduced over the last couple of years to add diversity and outcross within the breed. This enables us to breed a stong line of genetics in our stud ewe breeding flock to produce top quality flock rams. Our rams have the ability to produce quick growing lambs! We know after 58 years of breeding that one thing remains the same and that is everyone wants to be rewarded for fast growing lambs as soon as they hit the ground and they need to be strong and have the genetics for growth (PWT and meat yield LMY) and this comes with well bred rams that have strong bloodlines. By using line breeding techniques the rams have greater potential to produce this type of lamb - strong, true and reliable, rather than a wide gene pool with no real direction. |