Shellal Biosecurity and Animal Health
- Sheepmap Flock MN3V Accredited Number VS1129 = Monitored Negative for OJD by blood testing prior to vaccinating with gudair vaccine. This certification is audited every 12 months to maintain this accreditation by a SheepMAP Approved Vet and monitored daily to preserve our future trading. Certificate available to view in our sale catalogue.
- ALL SheepMAP accredited flocks are listed on the Animal Health Australia website
- Eligible to Trade into ALL Australian States
- Only Run Stud Sheep on the property (no commercial sheep sharing paddocks or ammenities)
- Ovine Brucellosis Accredited Number 3270 = All rams on the property are bled for a laboratory blood test with a negative result and manually palpated. Current Certificate available to view in our sale catalogue.